“There is a great interest for embroidery, especially by our girls. Then came the opportunity to bring the embroidery into our elementary schools, so I started with this youngest group, with children from 7 to 9 grade. Apart from young girls, there were also women of my age. “All of my embroidery knowledge I transferred to my daughter, daughter-in-law, and many young girls over the course which was held at the Women’s Humanitarian Association “Duga”. When I grew up, I continued to work with embroidery. Since I lived in the countryside, where there was no electricity and television, all of my time I dedicated to this work. I began working with embroidery since I was a child, at the age of 10-11 years. Otherwise, I am a teacher also teaching at this school. “My name is Djuja Anicic, embroidery instructor at the Mladen Stojanovic Elementary School in Bronzani Majdan. They will help you to understand this craft and its position in the modern world better. Here are several stories of Bosnian craftswomen and people who work to preserve the local culture. Zmijanje embroidery uses only one – dark-blue on white background.

Mostly, embroidery patterns of Bosnia and Herzegovina use two or four different colors. The difference between Zmijanje embroidery and other Bosnian techniques of embroidery is in the number of colors of threads. Such embroidery designs are used to adorn female clothing (day-to-day, festive, and wedding gowns) and household items (tablecloths, linens, décor elements, etc.). At first, embroidery was made on linen and hemp cloth today, mostly cotton cloth is used. It was formed in the middle of the 19th century. Zmijanje embroidery is made in cross-stitch or other stitches using dark-blue threads. But the question is, will it survive in the modern world? Is Bosnian youth willing to keep the tradition and learn to embroider when they have so many activities and entertainments to keep them busy? What can ordinary craftswomen do to popularize and develop Zmijanje embroidery technique? Let’s find out the answers. It is rather unique, complicated to perform, and beautiful.

Zmijanje embroidery is one of the embroidery techniques of Bosnia and Herzegovina.